Altar Flowers

Flower Dedication


1. Please add your name to an open Sunday on the calendar inside the church.

2. Fill out a Flower Dedication form

3. Either drop a $90.00 check in the offering basket or pay online.



Person making dedication:  _____________________________

Name as it should appear in bulletin:  ___________________________

Phone Number or email:  __________________________________

Dedication date:  ____________

Dedication:  _______________________________________________________________________________

______I will pick up flowers after 11:00 a.m. service.

______I would like the Worship Committee to take flowers to shut-in or area hospital.

______I would like to use the florist selected by the Worship Committee.

______I would like to use the florist of my choice.  It is my responsibility to arrange for the delivery, and to notify the Flower  Committee.

Any questions please contact: Ann Emery 843- 886-7540.

click here to download flower dedication form

Poinsettia order Form

December OF Each Year



Poinsettias will be used to decorate our worship areas during Christmas. You may purchase one in honor OR memory of a loved one for only $10.00 each. Please fill out this form and place it in the offering plate. Please print names exactly as you would like them to appear in the bulletin. Please use one form per poinsettia. Please pay online or make checks payable to First United Methodist Church; you may use one check for multiple orders.


Name: ____________________________________________

*check number: ____________


Address: ______________________________________

Phone # ___________________

Choose one per form:


In Honor of_____________________________________________


In Memory of ________________________________________________________


*Order will not be accepted without payment.

click here to download poinsettia form