
The Shepherd’s Ministry is an outreach program serving the family and attendees of First Church as the hands and feet of Jesus Christ….

Through email, phone calls, cards and prayer the shepherds provide support and encouragement to those who are ill, recovering from illness or surgery, experiencing loss or just need some kindness to help them through a tough time. However, that is not all the shepherds do! We are also there to celebrate milestones, cheer on successes and join in praising God along with those who experience His wonderful works revealed in their lives!


If you are a person willing to serve Jesus and his children at First Church by contacting those in need and providing that encouragement, we invite you to join us!

Please contact Mary Webb at for more information or to sign up!


Each Shepherd serves 2 consecutive weeks, a calendar marked off in 2 week sections is available/provided and volunteers choose which weeks they want.

Volunteers are supported by Mary Webb who is available via text, email and phone to answer questions and provide guidance, as well as Jen Robertson who provides the contact list and large print spreadsheet for ease of use.